This is a delayed entry, but I still wanted to post these pictures. The last weekend in September, our friends Jon and Jill and their two adorable kids spent the night with us on their way down to Disney World. It was really good to catch up with them, and Andy and Madeleine are precious! It definitely gave me baby fever...
Ashley, Madeleine, Jill, and Andy
Madeleine and Chet (I don't think he's as scared as he looks!)
Andy (all ready for bed!)
Madeleine (all swaddled in for the night!)
The next weekend, Chet and I went to an Alan Jackson concert in St. Augustine at the St. Augustine Amphitheater. It was a really nice venue, and Alan Jackson was great! I, of course, couldn't resist buying an over-priced tacky tour t-shirt, but it was worth it.
Ashley and Chet (nosebleed section)
Alan Jackson on Stage