6 lbs 11.4 oz 19.25" long
I don't know many details, but I do know everything went great and both mom and baby are doing very well!!
Ashley says Sydney is "perfect!"
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." ~Hebrews 11:1
I think I look (and I definitely feel) bigger. Also, it's not noticeable in the picture (or even in person, really), but the baby has definitely dropped and is now sitting squarely on my bladder. I had a doctor appointment this past Friday (the doctor agreed that the baby had dropped), and I am 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced! I wasn't sure what to expect at the appointment, and was betting myself that I hadn't made any progress, but was pleasantly surprised! The doctor doesn't think I'll make it to my due date (February 3rd); she thinks I'll have the baby within two weeks! Chet and I decided to take bets on when she'll be born: Chet thinks January 24th, I think January 27th. Any guesses? My next appointment is this coming Friday (January 22nd), so I'll update you after that!