Thursday, December 1, 2016

Hello, December

(November, I couldn't keep up with you. My sincerest apologies.)

It's December 1st! As happy as I am to see November 1st roll around each year, I'm even more excited when December arrives. Christmas just can't be beat.

We had a great November. Can I remember what happened? No, of course not. Perhaps if I look back at my iPhone pictures I'll be able to tell you (and maybe I will!). All I know is that it was super busy, but enjoyable.

My goal for December is to s l o w  d o w n. It's not going to be easy, but I'm determined to do it. I'm going to stay off of Facebook and Instagram for the month of December. We're going to read and do the activities in Jordan's Advent Calendar. I might even finish decorating our Christmas tree.

I'm also going to turn over a blogging leaf, yet again (I'm learning that I have to do this often in order to keep blogging -- it's fine). I don't have a particular schedule or theme in mind; I'll just fly by the seat of my pants. My only goal is to surpass my number of blog posts written last year, which means I need to post at least 24 times this month (gulp). Thanks in advance for cheering me on!

Don't let me fool you: this month is still going to extremely busy. We're going to do a little bit of traveling, and there are school Christmas programs and parties to attend, etc. I just know that if I don't slam on the brakes in the areas that I can control, December is going to slip away just like November did.

That's it for now. I need to call the Pediatrician and get Ruthie and Ford out of bed and get dressed and, and, and...

Happy December, friends -- I hope it's already off to an amazing start!


Anonymous said...

Happy December! This is a FABULOUS picture of your beautiful family!!
Aunt Shannon

Ashley Wyckoff said...

Thank you, Aunt Shannon!