Tuesday, September 11, 2018


How has it already been 17 years since September 11, 2001? I think it will always feel like "yesterday" to those of us who were old enough to remember the attacks. Right now it's the end of a long day, and I probably won't be able to share anything more profound than I did last year (not that what I shared last year was profound). Here's the link to last year's 9/11 post.

For the past couple of days I've been reflecting on life in general. How busy it is, and how wrapped up we are in our "first world problems." We're fully immersed in our school and activity schedule, and it just feels so darned hectic, despite Chet's and my best efforts to maintain calm. These reflections led us to a decision, which I'm still a little nervous about, but I think we're going to CUT OUT ALL EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. (Except piano, because Sydney and Lorelei ride their bikes to their weekly piano lesson while I stay home and fold laundry or wash dishes.)

It seems silly to even classify this as a "big decision." The Ingalls family didn't didn't worry about such things. They were too busy fending off bears and making sure Ma had enough thread to darn everyone's socks for the winter. Pa and Ma Ingalls may have had fewer extracurricular activities to enroll Mary and Laura in, but there was no doubt they knew what was important: God and family (and school and apparently piano).

That's where I'll leave you, on this anniversary where we all hug our loved ones tighter and thank the Lord for this day that He's given us.

God bless America.

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