Monday, March 29, 2021

Ford (and Lorelei) Funnies

This afternoon Ford was asking when he would get something in the mail. I replied, "Well, you get a Clubhouse Jr. magazine each month. And Didi sent all of you something last week. And Grammy told me she sent an Easter box for all of you that will arrive soon."

Ford: "No, when will I get something addressed to 'Mr. Ford Wyckoff.'"

Lorelei chimed in with, "When you're a grownup and you have your own Amazon account."

This evening I announced I was putting everyone to bed early (which really just means on time). Ford informed me, "It's good you're putting us to bed early, because Benjamin Franklin said, 'Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.'"

Clearly he is 7-years old, going on 87.

Happy Monday!

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