Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Chugging Along

(Some of these pictures will NOT center, and it's driving me crazy. Just FYI.)

Just wanted to let you know I'm still here, chugging along. Chet is out of town again; three days in San Diego. He returns tomorrow night, and I'll say again that this is good practice for the very near future when we will be in deployment mode.

The end of the school year with our homeschool community is barreling toward us like a freight train (April 5th). Sydney is practicing for her oral exam (the first part is next Thursday, March 28th) and is doing a stellar job. Even though it's school work, it's been a joy to spend more one-on-one time with her these past several weeks.

I still need to do a post for Ruthie's birthday (March 6th). I'm 80% certain I'll get that done before we move (ha!).

Our across-the-street neighbors had a baby February 1st, and all the kids in the neighborhood have taken turns loving on her:

Lorelei and Ruthie got a hold of my phone:

Ruthie had her 3-year old check-up (Ford accompanied us):

When Chet is gone, I usually serve "kid dinners." For example: chicken nuggets with blueberries. If the weather is nice, they eat outside. If children are over playing, they eat too. (Ford was eating across the street.) 
That's all for now; I'm going to attempt to do something productive before throwing in the towel for the day. (Speaking of, I forgot to put the towels in the dryer -- thanks for the reminder!) Happy Wednesday, friends!

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