Monday, September 6, 2021

Labor Day Weekend

The most exciting thing I could write a post about is Chet's promotion September 1st, and I WILL tell you about that, but for now I'm going to share some quick kayaking pictures since it's almost dinnertime here.

Chet had been looking for a kayak we could use in the pond behind our house, and found a good deal on Facebook Marketplace. The perfect activity for Labor Day weekend (and the weather was great too)!

Waiting for their turn:

Chet and Ruthie:

Cute Sydney:

I know, I know -- I didn't get pictures of everyone using the kayak. Chet took each of the kids out, then Sydney and Lorelei went together.

You might also be wondering whether or not Ruthie is really strong to be able to handle the oars like that, and you would be correct. She is very strong.

Happy Labor Day!

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