Friday, May 29, 2020

In Texas!

We're out of town! We're on a trip! We're in Texas! (How many more exclamatory sentences can I come up with?!)
The kids and I loaded the minivan (in the pouring rain) Wednesday morning and drove west. Papa John met us just east of Lake Charles, LA, and we caravanned to his house in Lufkin. (I'd never driven that route before; while I'm sure Google maps wouldn't have led me astray, I'm glad someone who knew which tiny highway to turn onto next was leading the way!).
One of my favorite things about driving over the Texas state line is that no matter the previous state's posted speed limit, Texas is going to increase it by 10 mph. No ifs, ands, or buts.
We are RELISHING the change of scenery at Papa John's house (and I thoroughly enjoy having another adult around to converse with). Right now Papa John has the kids "penny roll hunting," which means that Sydney, Lorelei, and Ford are set up at the kitchen table sorting through rolls of pennies and organizing them by decade into Dixie cups. Lorelei and Ford have already found a wheat penny each (I didn't know what that was before today!). They are quiet and focused and enjoying the's fantastic. Ford is wearing a binocular visor contraption that makes him look like a diamond inspector.
We're headed to Didi's house in New Braunfels soon, and are looking forward to a dip in the pool.
(Ford just asked me he could have his very own diamond inspector visor when we get back to Mississippi.)

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