Friday, February 22, 2019

A Day of Indulgence

We spent the morning at home, and even indulged in a game of "Sorry!" (clearly playing a board game with my children is not an ACTUAL indulgence...right this moment I'm vowing to play more board games during the week). I had to take a picture because we took a break halfway through the game and it was likely at least one person in the house would destroy shift the board and require us to start over.

This afternoon Sydney and Lorelei, separately, came in the house from outside proclaiming how HOT it was, and that I should come outside and "lounge." There were dishes in the sink and things out of place; I bucked the system and took my book and hot lemon tea (literally just hot water with 1/4 lemon squeezed into it) and sat on the porch. I had four different neighbors join in the sun basking, while we also watched the children use watercolors to paint rocks.
(If you look VERY closely, you can see small pop-up tents across the street, in which Ford and his friends were playing.)

Happy Friday, my friends! I hope your Friday was JUST as indulgent!

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