Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

How have two weeks already passed?

My mom was in town visiting last week (Chet's first week out of town), and obviously she was a huge help, but I also happened to have several random appointments and events scheduled during which she was able to hold down the fort. I couldn't have gotten through the week without her!

Didi left Sunday, and I learned this week that deployment (during our next duty station) with four kids will be MUCH different than deployment was with 0, 1, and 2 children. Ahem.

Anyway, here we are, Valentine's Day, and Chet comes home tomorrow night. We can't wait.

Before I share some pictures, I want to say there have been years where I've been SO good about sending Valentine cards -- to grandparents, aunts, uncles, non-family members. I really, REALLY want to do that every year, but it doesn't always work out. Please know that we LOVE you, and that we're thinking of you, and that we LOVE receiving YOUR Valentines. It means the world to us.

Breakfast of champions:

I spent about 12 minutes creating these Wednesday night, right before falling into bed. Do you think Hallmark would be interested in commissioning me?

Sydney had wet hair and was dressed like a cowboy. Also, Costco purchases sitting on the dining room table, because where on earth am I going to store so many boxes of macaroni and cheese?!

Our piano was VERY festive this year:

We had some crazy weather this afternoon, and please notice the yellow and red roses that the cashier at the grocery store gave to Ruthie and me:

Ruthie ate candy during the crazy weather:

Then it cleared up and she and I went outside to sweep mulch:

And that was our Valentine's Day! On to Easter (via Ruthie's birthday)!

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