Thursday, February 21, 2019

Thursday on a break week...

This week we have a break from meeting with our homeschool community group, which means I'm not scrambling around on Thursday evening to prepare.

It's glorious.

Every six weeks we have a break week, and as a tutor this year it is MUCH NEEDED. This week I've done my best to actually relax, and not get involved in TOO many random projects (there have only been a couple). (By random projects I mean rearranging the things on the kitchen counters, including the microwave, and reorganizing all of our medications. IMPORTANT STUFF, PEOPLE. Last night Chet said, "You know we're moving in 3 months, don't you?!")

I didn't announce to Sydney and Lorelei that we're on a school break though. They know we're not meeting with out school friends tomorrow, but had I mentioned the term "break week" to them it might have been challenging for them to complete their math assignments. We've used this week to reimplement regular piano practice (they recently switched piano teachers), as well as extra practice for the oral exam Sydney is studying for at the beginning of April.

This is the only recent picture I have to share:
The morning after Chet got home from Maryland he went into full fun-dad mode and made laminated IDs for Sydney and her friend. (And Lorelei and Ford.) Sydney has a Hogwarts ID, her friend Ben has a Northwestern ID (where his mom went to school), Lorelei also has a Hogwarts ID, and Ford has a "Daily Bugle" ID (the newspaper where Spider-Man works). I'm glad our children have at least one fun parent (what on earth am I going to do during deployment?!).

Right now I have buffalo chicken in the crockpot (this recipe, but halved), Ford is at his friend's house across the street, Sydney is playing in the field across the street, and Lorelei and her next-door-neighbor bestie are in charge of Ruthie somewhere outside. I honestly have no idea where they are or what they're up to. These are the perks of living on a Navy base.

Happy Thursday, friends!

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