Monday, July 27, 2020

Ruthie (again; and Ford)

This picture feels like a glimpse of Ruthie 10 years from now:
She and I were sitting on the back porch, listening to the "Frozen 2" soundtrack on that speaker.

I thought of two more funny things she said, plus something funny Ford said this summer.

When we were in Lufkin with my dad we visited the cemetery where my grandmother is buried. There was a statue of Jesus, and Ruthie asked, "Did Jesus turn into gold?!"

Along the same line, each week her Sunday school teacher mails to our house the materials (coloring page, etc.) Ruthie would be completing in Sunday school (if not for COVID). Ruthie exasperatingly asked, "Why does God keep mailing these things to me?!"

Now Ford. In Lufkin we took walks around my dad's neighborhood. There were a few houses who had graduating seniors living there, because there were yards signs that said so. One of the yard signs included a picture of the graduating senior with her cat in her lap. I pointed out the cat in the picture to the kids (because it was cute), and Ford (after studying the sign for SEVERAL seconds) asked, "Did the cat graduate?"

He's so literal. I love it (usually).

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