Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Ruthie has said some funny things lately.

After experiencing a gas bubble, "Mommy, my heart popped!" (She probably said this a year ago, but it still makes me chuckle.)

Us: "Don't chase the cat, because it will scare him and he might scratch or bite you."
Ruthie: "But what about bad guys?!"
Us: "What about them?"
Ruthie: "We WANT him scratch and bite bad guys!"
Us: "True..."

Ruthie: "Mommy, if God turned me into Sydney I would have bad attitudes."
***I didn't respond, but I DID decide that she's a world-class eavesdropper.***

Me: "Ruthie, are you finished eating?"
Ruthie: "Yes."
Me: "Okay, then I'm going to eat the last bite of your donut."
Ruthie: "Uh, it has my germs on it."
Me: "I don't mind."
***Ruthie gestures toward the donut like "Be my guest, but don't blame ME if you get any germs."

Me, while firing up the iPad Sunday morning to watch the kids' service: "The iPad is dead."
Ruthie: "Maybe it has a broken heart!"
Her siblings: "IPADS DON'T HAVE HEARTS!"
***Ruthie looks at them like "That's what YOU think."

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