Saturday, September 26, 2020

Ruthie's Special Night

We've gotten out of the habit of honoring the kids' monthly "special nights" (ideally held on their "month" day).

We're making up for lost time though, and we started with Ruthie last night.

She chose to play "Guess Who."

Her opponent was Chet, who approaches board games like an engineering problem to be solved.

Case in point...

Ruthie: "Does your person have kissy lips?"

Chet: "I don't know what that means."

Ruthie: "Does your person have KISSY LIPS. Like this."

Chet: "That seems like a highly subjective question."

Ruthie: *Crickets*

Ruthie: "Well, does he?"

For the record, Chet's person did NOT have kissy lips, and Ruthie beat Chet.

Kissy lips for the win.

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