Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Cat Spa

Approximately once a week, the children decide it's Cat Spa Day. This involves setting up Monster on his cat tree, brushing him, wiping him down with a washcloth soaked in warm water, and providing some sort of entertainment for him while he's pampered.

They also play classical music on the iPhone for him.

Ruthie is usually involved too, but she happened to be napping this particular Cat Spa session.

This goes on for AT LEAST AN HOUR. And what do you think the cat does during all this? He doesn't move a muscle, and basks in all of the attention and petting. Monster is rewarded for his cooperative behavior with a bandana to wear around his neck (that I usually remove a couple of hours later).

If you're looking for a creative gift idea for your pet, consider a gift card to a pet spa!

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