Sunday, February 28, 2021

Goodbye, February!

Does anyone else feel like they're finishing a race on the last day of the month? I have no reasonable explanation for feeling that way (it's not like I have a job that requires important end-of-months tasks), but I always do.

This morning we went to church. Next week we start back at Sunday school, and we are all THRILLED. I am going to be helping in the 2-year old class between now and the end of May, while Chet attends our adult Sunday school class.

Sydney outgrew her church shoes (my kids wear Vans or Converse to church), so I pulled out my old (but practically new looking) black and white pair of Converse All-Stars that I bought at Target approximately 15 years ago, and viola! Sydney is the proud wearer of VINTAGE church shoes. (Is 15-years old considered "vintage?")

After church Chet worked on restoring a table saw he received from a friend, and I did who knows what around the house. 

At bedtime I was praying with Ford, and he added, "And thank you for our emotional support cat." We joke that Monster is a trained emotional support animal, because any time someone is upset and crying he runs to them meowing loudly.

(Actually, any time he meows it's LOUD.)

Happy Sunday! On to March!

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