Saturday, March 28, 2020

Biking Again

We were mostly unproductive the first half of this Saturday, and then I kicked into high gear some time around 3 p.m. We changed all the sheets on the beds, vacuumed the upstairs, and put some things away that had piled up.

After dinner we went on another bike ride (sans Sydney, who was playing with another friend outside).

I can't remember what story Ford was telling me while I was taking these:

All I know for sure is that it was long and detailed.

Later, when he was in the shower and I was near the bathroom, he asked, "Mommy, does God want me to get married?"

In case you didn't know, it takes a tremendous amount of mental energy to answer such questions at 8 p.m.

(Also, the shirt Ford is wearing in the pictures was Chet's shirt when he was the same age. Ford said, "I LIKE shirts with buttons!")

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