Monday, August 20, 2018

Monday Madness

Good Monday morning! 

I never updated you after Lorelei's Thursday afternoon ortho appointment -- she is splint free! They didn't even do an x-ray. Since it was a buckle fracture (meaning the bone was basically bent, something that can only happen to children since their bones aren't old and brittle yet like adult bones), there's nothing specific to look for to determine that it's healed. We just needed to protect it for six weeks (with the splint), and now she's allowed to go back to all of her normal activities. There's an increased risk of re-fracture for the next year, and it may take two years for her bone to completely "un-bend," but that's just how it goes.

Well, we have a busy Monday ahead of us. I'm attending tutor training this morning, specifically for the science experiments and fine arts projects we will do the first six weeks of school. Our first community school day is this Friday, and I'm required to show up prepared, but the director of our community provides all of the necessary supplies for the science experiments, etc., and, thankfully, walks us through each experiment and fine arts project before we have to do them ourselves in front of the class. Sydney and Lorelei are going with me, Ford is going next door to a friend's house, and Ruthie is getting dropped off at the CDC for the morning.

I'm full of jitters as I prepare for this Friday. No one else is nervous, just me, ha! It's funny to me, as I've been putting (what I think are) the finishing touches on our daily schedule, how DIFFERENT this year has panned out compared to last year. Nothing major has changed (unless you count major as me tutoring and Ford joining Classical Conversations this year, instead of going back to the CDC's preschool program), but our day-to-day seems a lot different, and my mindset is definitely different. I think it's par for the course with young children though; Ford and Ruthie have changed a lot over the last year, and Ruthie will continue to seem like a completely different person every six months or so for the next couple of years. 

As someone who used to want to control everything, I think I'm doing a passable job of going with the flow and adjusting our family's schedule as the needs of the (many) individuals change. I'm protecting our time at home by saying "no" to things I thought I'd always say "yes" to (sports, activities, SPORTS, ACTIVITIES!!!), and trying to say "yes" more to things I'm inclined to say "no" to (quality field trips...often in the hot sun... that I know my kids will think are SO MUCH FUN, but that require more effort than I naturally wish to exert). It's a fine line, but with the Lord's help, but I'm walking it.

Happy Monday, my friends.
(Yes, Ruthie is drinking a La Croix.)

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