Friday, December 21, 2018

A Luxurious Friday Morning

Good Friday morning!

Ruthie woke up coughing around 4:30 a.m., and I had trouble going back to sleep. Instead of lying there awake, mind racing, I got up, made coffee, and finished the library book that's due today. Here's the scene:

By nature I'm a morning person, but waking up even earlier than usual is one of my favorite things. I love the "extra" time, the quiet, the freedom to do something I definitely won't have time to do during the course of our normal waking hours. It's a gift.

These last few days before Christmas have been slow, which isn't a bad thing. I'm VERY glad they're not packed full, but we also have to be on guard not to drive each other crazy. A lot of our neighbors are out of town, which means most of the kids' usual playmates are gone. Tonight we are planning on driving up to Fresno to visit Christmas Tree Lane, a neighborhood that has a spectacular outdoor light display, so that will be fun and different.

Happy Friday!

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