Sunday, December 30, 2018

This and That

As this year draws to a close, I'm desperately trying to finish my reading goal (I've been doing Modern Mrs. Darcy's 2018 Reading Challenge, and I still have to finish a book for the last category -- yikes!). And by "desperately" I mean that instead of reading much today I took Lorelei shoe shopping and did WHO KNOWS WHAT around the house all afternoon.

Chet has been off work since Christmas Eve, and it's been VERY enjoyable. I've used this time to take down our Christmas decorations (I still have a few things to put away, but I'm almost there), and to create the sterile home environment I always crave post-Christmas. We've also done fun things: bowling, a post-dinner trip to Michael's last night, a movie at the base theater with Sydney and Lorelei. There have been brief touches of cabin fever here and there, but nothing major.

With that said, I'm going to put my feet up and read. Pray I don't fall asleep before I turn the page...

One of Sydney's lunches this week. She claimed she couldn't find an "N."

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