Tuesday, August 25, 2020

First Day

I remember the funny thing Chet said last night.

I was stressing slightly over feeling ill-prepared for our first day of school, and that I felt like I needed another week. Chet asked, "What exactly do you still need to do? I can help you." 

Me: "Well, I'm prepared to tutor tomorrow, but I haven't planned anything special for OUR kids' first day, and I'm not sure I'll even have time to take their picture in the morning. I also don't have a sign for them to hold in the picture (that we might not have time to take)." 

Chet: "How about this. I'll sneak into the kids' rooms tomorrow morning while they're still sleeping and take a picture of them. Then I'll text it to the family with the caption, 'First day of homeschool 2020-2021!'"

I was (mostly) not amused (even though I laughed).

Turns out I DID have time to take their picture. And even though I approved their outfits and they indeed brushed their hair before leaving the house, they're looking a bit raggedy in this first day of school picture.  I didn't serve them a special breakfast, there were no decorations, and there wasn't a sign (as you can see). But it's okay. We all had a good first day.

Also, because I often forget myself, they're 5th grade, 3rd grade, 1st grade, and Pre-K this year.

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