Monday, August 24, 2020

School Tomorrow!

Emotions have been running high the last couple of days. We had a full weekend with Chet tackling a building project in the garage, and me getting prepared to start our school year this week (I can't remember if I mentioned that I'm one of the tutors this year, which means more preparation for me each week).

Then Tropical Storms/Hurricanes Marco and Laura were heading our way, and the start of school was up in the air. Chet and I also discussed the kids and I evacuating (that decision is always better to make/act on earlier rather than later in the midst of a literal storm). Thankfully, Tropical Storm Marco has mostly dissipated, but the jury is still out on Tropical Storm -- or Hurricane -- Laura. As of right now it looks like Laura will avoid us, but it's always strange to be glad about that when she will likely hit SOMEONE.

Storm prep and the emotions that accompany it always leave me feeling on edge. And because all of my outdoor plants are currently tightly wedged in the garage.

Now for some funny things that will lighten the mood:

1) Ford walked in on me ending a phone conversation with, "I love you too. Bye."

Ford: "Who were you talking to?"

Me: "Didi." (My mom.)

Ford: "Oh. I knew it was someone over 40."

2) Me: "Lorelei, tell me how this sounds for class tomorrow..."

Lorelei: "Wait, I have two questions."

Me: "Yes?"

Lorelei: "Are you wearing that outfit tomorrow?"

***I look down at my running clothes***

Me: "No."

Lorelei: "Okay, good. And are you going to wear your hair like that? It looks a little messy."

Me: "NO."

Lorelei: "Good. Go ahead."

Chet also said something that made me laugh a few minutes ago, but now I've forgotten. I'll tell you tomorrow if it resurfaces (likely in the middle of the night).

Happy Monday!

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