Friday, August 21, 2020


I'm glad for the weekend, but with our homeschool group starting Tuesday the 25th (I think in another post I said we were starting the 26th, which is incorrect, so everyone please strike that from your memories), my mind will be busy this weekend.

We (Ruthie) took selfies at gymnastics this week (Ruthie has a VERY hard time being content during the fifteen minutes between the end of her class and the end of Lorelei's and Ford's classes):

This week I also feel like I got a handle on our homeschool schedule that we will implement Wednesday (the 26th):

This isn't every detail of our schedule; just what the kids need to know. (I also don't have lunch listed from 12:00 - 1:00, because I ran out of columns, and it's not as if ANYONE will let me forget to feed them lunch). 

I fully expect to have to adjust, and am unsure where some of the details (not listed) will best fit in. But we have to start somewhere, and we will.

TGIF! Happy weekend!

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