Monday, August 10, 2020

1/3 of the way through August

How is it August 10th?

You may or may not have noticed, but I do most of my blogging at the end of each month. One of my 2020 New Year's resolutions was to blog 10 times per month. So far so good, but I often procrastinate until the latter half of the month, and then feel fresh out of words and thoughts by the time the new month starts.

I am looking at my phone's camera roll and I have nothing recent or interesting to share from that. Unless you count this interesting:

Last night Chet and I had to deal with an air conditioning issue RIGHT at bedtime (isn't that how it always goes?). The (old) filter in the picture is VERY disgusting, and Chet asked me to take a picture of the dimensions so we could have a new one on hand (we replaced the filter last night -- DON'T YOU WORRY -- but it was our last one).

Even though it was annoying to deal with a minor house emergency at bedtime, I'm thankful it WAS later in the day, because had we not been able to fix it we might have had a very hot, uncomfortable night (and it must be quite a big emergency for our maintenance company to make a Sunday house call).

What else?

Here is another picture from my camera roll (which I did not personally take):

The children treat the cat like a person. He has his own blanket and stuffed animal now, and earlier today I saw him wearing a shirt.

This evening we didn't let the kids go back outside to play after dinner. Instead they showered earlier, and then we all worked on sorting/folding/putting away a large laundry basket of clean clothes. Sydney and Lorelei were also helping me with miscellaneous tasks, and Ford (sent by Chet) kept asking, "What do you need me to do to help?!"

He's a good helper, but we were nearly done and there wasn't anything suitable for him to do, so I said, "You can go downstairs with Daddy."

Ford: "But Daddy said I needed to help."

Me: "It's okay, you can go downstairs because we're almost finished."

Ford: "Do you need me to help by staying out of the way?"

Me: "Yes."

Ford (scurrying away before I could change my mind): "Okay, BYE!"

Happy Monday! BYE!

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