Saturday, August 29, 2020


We had a productive, enjoyable Saturday.

This was our 3rd week cleaning Saturday mornings, and I still love it. I think mostly because throughout the week I'm not having thoughts like "I should mop" and "Our room really needs dusting." It's fine, because it will get done SATURDAY! (And the other people who live here will all pitch in to get it done!)

Sydney and Lorelei went to a pool birthday party this afternoon, during which I considered going grocery shopping, but went to the antique store instead. It was a good choice. Sydney, Lorelei, and I went to the grocery store after I picked them up from the party (and the store closed when we were about 3/4 finished with our shopping -- oops!).

Chet continued working on his garage project this weekend. He's waiting on some drawer pulls to arrive in the mail for it to be 100% complete, and I'll post a picture of it when he finishes.

What else?

Our neighbors in California handed down to us this table:

It has long legs (pictured), and short legs (which make it coffee-table height). Until recently we were using it as a coffee table on the other side of that couch. I decided to buy some chairs (Amazon!) and use it as a craft table/extra surface for the kids to work, and so that I didn't have to ALWAYS immediately clear off the dining table after meals or snacks for them to work/craft. We all like the new set up.

Happy Saturday!

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