Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, friends! He is risen!

Obviously, it was a low-key day. Our church did me the best favor ever by mailing us a ready-made scavenger hunt. All I had to do was fill the kids' baskets and place the paper clues around the house. (Seriously, thank you, church.)
(I had to hide the baskets in our gorgeous laundry room.)

We watched church (and afterward I met with my Sunday School class via Zoom):

I ordered lovely cookies (earlier in the week) from a local bakery:

Ruthie took a picture of Lorelei and me:

The children introduced me to their LEGO family, which has 13 children (Sydney was telling me each of their names when I took this picture):

Here is how Sydney keeps up with the LEGO children's names:

We wore nice clothes/dresses when we ate Easter lunch, but Ruthie was the only one who stayed in her fancy clothes:

We ended the evening with an egg hunt in my bedroom.

How was your day? Can you believe April is nearly halfway over?!

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