Thursday, April 30, 2020

So Long, April (and Kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th grade)!

I'm so thankful April flew by. March felt SO LOOOOOONG, I was concerned Chet's fairly short deployment would end up feeling six years long. So, thank you, April.

We are officially finished with our school year (although, we do school mostly year-round, so we'll begin that routine fairly soon). I told the children a few weeks ago that May 1st was their official promotion day to 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade. They can't wait.

We had our last homeschool group meeting Tuesday, and Sydney finished her Memory Master oral exams yesterday (she passed!), so the kids were allowed to do what they wanted today. Which was this, apparently:
They went outside around 9:30 a.m., and I barely saw them again until 3 p.m. when I gathered them up to go on a walk around the neighborhood. I didn't even have to feed them snacks or lunch! (They filled coolers with ice and food and fended for themselves. They even took the toaster outside, along with my glass butter dish, which is slightly frightening, but since I didn't even know about it until after it was put back in its proper place...good for them.)

Happy Thursday! On to Friday and MAY!

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