Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Last Sunday in April

April has flown by, unlike March, which seemed to pass slower than the pace of a dead snail moving backward.

I know I haven't talked much about COVID and the kids' and my days in the midst of it, so I'll tell you quickly that because our schedule with our homeschool group hasn't changed (we've simply moved to Zoom meetings, like the rest of the world), we are BUSY. Our last day of the school year (homeschool meeting-wise) is this coming Tuesday (April 28th), and Sydney is in the midst of achieving Memory Master again for this year's material. (Click here to read the post I wrote last year about the end of our school year and Memory Master.)

She's already completed the Memory Master oral exam with her tutor (she did that last Wednesday), and will do one last oral exam with our director (yet to be scheduled, but it will be done by Friday, May 1st). 

Because Sydney is 4th grade this year, she also takes a weekly in-depth language arts class in the afternoons on the days our homeschool group meets. It focuses on English grammar (understanding parts of speech, diagramming sentences, etc.), strengthening mental math skills, and writing. For weeks she's been working on the final writing assignment (a report about Leonardo da Vinci -- everyone in the class is writing about a historical figure from the Middle Ages, and no two children are reporting on the same person). She actually finished the paper last week, but needs to present it (I'll take a video with my phone), and I will post the video on our school group's Facebook page for a coordinated "watch party" this coming Tuesday.

All that to say, in a lot of ways our lives have marched on since COVID began, but we are ready to complete this school year and have a break. We'll probably take a week or two off, and then settle in to what I like to call our "summer studies" (I coined that term just now).

Happy Sunday, friends! Here's an unrelated picture of some of my plants and some things Ruthie likes to play with (including a fly swatter and my rolling pin, which I never use):

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