Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Lorelei Quotes

Lorelei was VERY quotable today.

1) She was helping me unload groceries, and after I carried a load from the front door into the kitchen and walked back to the front door for another load, she said, "Can't we just leave the groceries at the front door for now? You LITERALLY just mopped the floor!"
Me: "Oh, yeah. Good idea."

2) Also while unloading the groceries: "Oh, you found toilet paper!"
Me: "Yes, but I bought the cheap kind this time."
Lorelei: "Oh...I hope it works."

3) Later I was helping her put together a wooden 3-D puzzle. Trying to figure out if two pieces that looked alike were interchangeable, I asked, "These are identical, right?"
Lorelei: "Well, God said no two things are identical, so probably not. But they look close."

4) Lorelei and Ford were out playing and came in for the evening later than usual. She asked, "Did we stay outside too late?"
Me: "It's late, but it's okay, because I didn't call you in yet."
Lorelei: "Well, we got a TON of exercise, so it was WORTH it!"

5) While waiting for one of the showers to open up, she asked, "What should I do while I wait?"
Me: "I don't know, whatever you want is fine."
Lorelei: "I could help you get some good housework done..."

6) After her shower: "If Ford and I wake up early and breakfast isn't ready yet, can we go outside and train?"
Me: "Train for what?"
Lorelei: "You know, just lift weights and run and get sweaty."
Me: "Uh...sure."
She runs to find Ford and says, "Make sure you get up early tomorrow, because Mommy said we could train before breakfast!"

7) Apparently while informing him of their morning training session she noticed a paper mess on Ford's desk.
Lorelei: "Ford, this is looking a little raggedy. I'm going to help you fix it."
Ford: "Oh, good. Thank you."
***Commence her sounding exactly like a professional organizer/one of the people counseling the contestants of "Hoarding: Buried Alive."***

8) Me, reading from a book of fairy tales: "She cleans the house and cooks the meals. She wears old clothes and sleeps in a cold, creepy room."
Lorelei: "That sounds bad...but at least it's not as bad as the Vietnam War! Sleeping in cold trenches was probably worse." (She may have been confusing the Vietnam War with WWI.)

We just love her.

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