Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Visit from "Aunt Ver" and Cute Outfits

The weekend before Valentine's Day, Veronica's (one of my college roommates) ship pulled into Jacksonville, and she was able to stay with us all weekend! It was so great to catch up with her and just relax (all we did all weekend was shop at Target and watch episodes of "Toddlers and Tiaras"). We lovingly refer to Veronica as "Aunt Ver", and she and I also share the same birthday! It's a rare occasion for Chet and me to visit or receive visits from college friends (other than the ones who live in Jacksonville), but Ver and I have been very fortunate in that this was the THIRD time in a single year we were able to see each other!

Sydney and "Aunt Ver", March 2010

"Aunt Ver" and Sydney, March 2011 (Sydney is wearing what we like to call her "smoking pajamas"'s hard to tell in the picture, but they remind Chet and me of a smoking jacket...ha!)

Here are some random pictures of Syd. I like them because she's wearing a couple of the super cute outfits she received for her birthday!
"Walking" in Jeggings
She's yelling around the corner at Chet, who is in the downstairs half bathroom.
"Huh?" (My favorite part of the outfit are the striped leggings!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She looks pretty in green! -PJ