Thursday, October 8, 2015

I'm back!

I wish I could say, "I haven't blogged in 15 days because we've had super exciting things going on -- we're putting an addition on the house (no matter that we rent)/we got a dog (no way, Jose)/I took up Irish dancing!"  But, no, none of those things are happening; it's business as usual around here, which makes it even more lame that I let 15 days pass without posting.  So here's a quick, random post (my specialty!) to get started again.

It's October 8th, so you know we've been donning our Halloween garb since October 1st:

(Sometimes Bubby dons nothing.)

In case you didn't know, yesterday was International Walk to School Day:
I'm not kidding when I tell you everyone in the school walked.  Notices were sent out far in advance, encouraging everyone to walk, even if that meant driving in, but parking further out than usual and walking the last few hundred yards up to the school.  There were balloons and and pencils and stickers at the entrance, celebrating the "holiday."  It was quite a production.  Did anyone else experience this?

After walking to school, Sydney went on a field trip to the Kennedy Center.  She saw this production:
Our 5-year old is officially more cultured than we are.  (Sydney's school is part of the Kennedy Center's Changing Education Through the Arts -- CETA -- program.  So they will go to the Kennedy Center a few more times throughout the year.  There are only a few schools in the country part of this program, so they are lucky ducks.)

Happy Thursday!

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