Saturday, June 21, 2014

Baa, Baa Black Sheep

When we read books and sing songs with the kids, we often leave out the last word in a line, and let the kids fill in the blank.

For example...

Us: "Twinkle, twinkle, little _____."
Kids: "Star."

I was singing "Baa, Baa Black Sheep" and leaving out words, testing Lorelei on a nursery rhyme she doesn't know very well.

She knew the main part okay, but when we got to this part...

Me: "One for the _____."
Lorelei: "Wizard." (Actual answer: "Master")
Me: "One for the _____."
Lorelei: "Shorts." (Actual answer: "Dame")
Me: "One for the _____."
Lorelei: "Little kid who lives in the town." (Actual answer: "Little boy who lives down the lane.")

But I'm going to go ahead and give her credit for that last one. And perhaps bonus points for summarizing using her own words.

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