Sunday, January 24, 2021

Happy Sunday!

How was your weekend?

Ours was enjoyable. We all went to Lowe's Saturday morning, then I went to the grocery store afterward. This morning we went to church, after which we picked up donuts (this has become our Sunday morning post-church tradition).

In addition to those things we did laundry, fixed meals, washed dishes, recovered from last week, and prepared for the next week.

Speaking of last week, LAST Friday (as in, over a week ago) I mopped the floors (a chore I had neglected entirely too long, and neglected again this week because we've had rain and it feels pointless to mop the floors when the ground outside is wet and muddy). Anyway, every time I mop the floors I move the kitchen chairs into the living room, and the kids play "train." It's a fantastic game, because one of them hands out books and magazines, and they all just sit there reading for a long time and the house is really quiet while I mop. Monster played the role of conductor:

This picture was from church last week (I didn't take a picture this week):

Let me remind you that Monster is a very tolerant cat. Ruthie wrapped her church cardigan around him like a scarf, and he was totally fine with it:
Have a GREAT start to your work week!

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