Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Doctor Appointment

Today I had another doctor appointment, and I am a "good" 3 cm dilated and a little more than 75% effaced. A little bit of progress is better than none! The doctor didn't have any guesses as to when Little Miss would be born; it's just a waiting game at this point! I have another appointment scheduled for next Tuesday, but hopefully I don't make it to that one...

1 comment:

Jill Shaver said...

I'm anxious waiting to hear about the arrival of your baby girl, I can't imagine how you feel! I hope you don't go past your due date if you are ready to meet her now but if you do you can call me for support, I was over a week late with my two. Although if you are already 3 cm I'm sure it won't be much longer. I was only 2 cm when I went into labor with Andy! Thinking about you, Ash!