Thursday, August 9, 2012


Today was more typical in that we weren't very busy,  yet I have no idea what we did all day.

Our morning was nothing out of the ordinary.  We left for the gym around 9:30 a.m.  I ran a grand total of one mile on the treadmill (my legs were still sore from Monday's run).  We went straight home after the gym.  Chet got home soon after we did for lunch/to change clothes for physical therapy.

We got home from the gym around 11:15 a.m., so from 11:15 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. I did dishes, the girls played, Syd and Lorelei ate lunch, and I cleaned them up.  There really wasn't much idle time in that hour and forty-five minutes...I'm still trying to figure out how the minutes tick away so quickly when you're taking care of two little ones.  I'll let you know when I figure it out.

Both girls went down for naps around 1:00 p.m.  I cleaned up the living room and kitchen as soon as they went down, but Lorelei was up by 2:00 p.m., so she and I played on the floor until it was time to get Sydney up at 3:00 p.m.

Chet arrived home from work at 4:00 p.m.  Lorelei took one more quick nap (30-minutes long), and then it was time to fix dinner.  We ate steak and asparagus.  Last night we ate personal pizzas

Chet took Sydney to Auto Zone and CVS while I stayed home with Lorelei and cleaned up the kitchen.  When they got home, we went on a (very) short neighborhood walk.  It was as if we all became cranky at the exact same moment, so we headed home for the girls' bedtime routine.

After the girls went to bed I did some laundry, and Chet and I read a little while before turning in for the night.

Pretty boring day, right?  I'd agree, except that four noteworthy things happened amidst the seemingly mundane:
1. I discovered Lorelei's top left tooth FINALLY cut through!
2. Lorelei proved that she's quite good at waving "hi" and "bye".  She must have been taking mental notes all this time, waiting to put waving into practice until she knew she could do it perfectly.
3. At lunchtime, Sydney seemed a little disinterested in eating, so I said, "Sydney, do you want something else to eat, or just milk?"  (Milk signifying that it is time to go upstairs to take a nap.)  Chet said, "That's an odd choice."  Sydney exclaimed, "I want an odd choice!" 
4. We cracked the code on Sydney's phrase, "I need-a-want why-coffee."  At least, I think we cracked it.  She's saying, "I like to drink coffee."  She's perfectly capable of saying "I like to drink coffee" so that anyone should be able to understand her, but she, over time, warped it into something that sounds like "I need-a-want why-coffee." I think she just likes the way the phrase sounds when she says it.  I also still believe the "why-coffee" comes from a mesh our last name with the word "coffee".  She is so silly.

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