Friday, January 4, 2013

I don't know about y'all...

...but it takes me forever to get back into the swing of things after returning from a trip.  Combine returning from said trip with tons of new Christmas presents that need to be sorted and stowed away, seemingly stale Christmas decorations that need to be taken down (I have a hard time enjoying Christmas decorations once the 25th has passed), and the self-imposed task of revamping my entire system of storing holiday (not just Christmas, every holiday) decor...well, you can imagine the mess we've been living in for the past several days.

We returned home from Texas late on the 28th (my dad/Papa John's birthday!), and Chet did not have to return to work until January 2nd.  Normally he would have corralled the girls while letting me unpack/reorganize the entire house, but he was busy studying for his upcoming boards (which were occurring January 2nd, the day he returned to work) to earn his Seabee Combat Warfare Specialist pin.  So Chet studying was definitely the priority around the house, and I had to just take a chill pill on the unpacking/reorganizing front.  (Guess what?  Leaving half-unpacked suitcases in the living room for a few days did not cause the world to end -- who knew?!?!)

But yesterday morning, I had had enough.  The Christmas tree was finally undecorated and ready to be taken outside, and I simply couldn't wait for Chet to have some free to time to drag it out of the living room for me.  So, I did it myself, and like a true hillbilly, deposited it here:
Hopefully the yard-of-the-month committee didn't drive by between 6:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.

My mind is completely disorganized right now, so here are some random tidbits:
The girls love when Chet comes home:
Sydney looked sweet the day after Christmas (I wish I could say "Sydney looked sweet Christmas day", but, truth be told, none of us changed out of our pajamas that day):
She's wearing her new Nikes with that dress.  As if she's a business woman who walks to work, then changes into her pumps.  Sigh.
It's been cold here, but we go outside anyway:
Lor's pointing and saying, "Mama!  Mama!" in this picture.  I think that was her way of saying she wanted to play with the camera. 

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