Friday, November 1, 2019

A Season of Thanksgiving

September flew by, but October came and went in the blink of an eye.

I've claimed for years that October is my favorite month, but I think November is actually my new favorite. I won't go on and on about how I'm a Halloween grinch like I usually do (you can read all about that HERE and HERE), but I AM thankful the best day of the year (November 1st) has arrived!

I've done it before, often halfheartedly (not on purpose!), but I'm going to strive to post each day in November, focusing on thankfulness. I almost talked myself out of writing a blog post this morning, but persevered, and I even updated the blog background and my "recently read" book list on the sidebar!

This first day of November I'm thankful for a safe neighborhood where our children can trick-or-treat, and I'm equally thankful that I was finally allowed to throw away all the fake spiderwebs on our bushes after the kids were in bed last night. Here are pictures of our Halloween decorations, as well as the kids in their costumes (Sydney was a ninja; Lorelei was Harry Potter; Ford was quidditch-playing Harry Potter; Ruthie was a monkey -- it was cold and windy last night!).

Happy November 1st!

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