Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Lorelei, Ford, Ruthie

Our homeschool group meets Tuesdays, and this year (4th grade) Sydney started the afternoon language arts program (English grammar and writing) that goes along with our curriculum. This means that after lunch Sydney and I go to class while Lorelei, Ford, and Ruthie go to the childcare room from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Normally there are other younger siblings with them in the childcare room and a teenaged sibling that cares for all the children. Today the teenaged sibling couldn't be there, and the other families with younger siblings were able to make other arrangements...leaving Lorelei, Ford, and Ruthie the only ones ones in need of someone to watch them.

Thankfully the iPad was in the car with a couple of movies downloaded onto it. My kids usually wander off in the middle of the movie to do something else, and they did that today too, but overall  they played very nicely together and didn't need me for anything (I checked on them from our classroom two doors down every 15 minutes or so, and Ruthie came in a couple of times to sit on my lap).
Good job, kiddos!

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