Saturday, November 30, 2019

Goodbye, November!

This has been a truly lovely and enjoyable November.

Christmas feels like it will arrive sooner than it normally does, what with Thanksgiving being so late this year, but that's okay.

Speaking of Christmas, we were caught unawares by Santa at Lowe's yesterday (we left the house around 10 a.m., hoping most of the crowds had dispersed):
Had I known in advance we were going to be photographed at Lowe's, I probably would have made the children change clothes. However, I'm glad I didn't know, because that's an accurate picture of how we normally look: a little strange (HA!).

And, no, those Santa hats and reindeer antlers were NOT props provided for the picture by the good people at Lowe's. They were accessories thoughtfully chosen at home and purposely worn out into public by my children, who are experts at keeping me humble.

On to December!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL - one probably put on black and the rest followed suit! Well, they were all color coordinated for sure for the pic! Too funny!
Aunt Shannon