Friday, November 15, 2019


I posted this on Instagram, but Sydney, Lorelei, Ford, and I went to Target this morning to fill our four Operation Christmas Child boxes.

Ruthie stayed with a babysitter, which may be the smartest decision I've ever made.

The kids were VERY excited to choose things to put in the boxes, but I had to remind them several times to please stop talking all at once and asking "What about this?!" about EVERYTHING IN THE STORE.

It was a tad bit overwhelming (for me).

In addition to leaving Ruthie with a babysitter, I'm also glad I chose a weekday morning to run the errand. We don't normally go to the store on weekdays during school hours, but I knew it would be WAY too crazy to navigate a place like Target on a Saturday, and with such a specific shopping list to follow.

I love any opportunity that helps teach our privileged children that the world is so much bigger than the one they know. They get a taste of that as military kids, but there's still so much they have no idea about. So I'm thankful for service opportunities like Operation Christmas Child to help them learn, a little bit at a time.

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