Monday, November 25, 2019

Opportunities to Serve and Carpooling

Yesterday (Sunday) we attended a birthday party at an indoor trampoline park. It was a 5th birthday party for our friends' daughter (the mom is currently deployed). Near the end of the party, the birthday girl slipped on the floor and busted open her chin. Our friend, obviously, needed to take his daughter to the emergency room, and we offered to bring the birthday girl's older sister home with us (both girls are friends with our kids and are comfortable at our house).

It was the very least we could do, bringing big sister home with us, and it made the ER visit MUCH simpler for our friend.

I'm thankful for opportunities to serve, and for our children to learn that service can take pretty much any form.

Speaking of service, today I am thankful for carpooling. Sydney and Lorelei on are the same basketball team as their friend down the street, and the friend's mom took Sydney and Lorelei with them to tonight's practice. That is all: I am thankful that tonight my neighbor was willing to drive the carpool.

Happy Monday!

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