Thursday, November 21, 2019


I didn't track down that scary "before" picture of our bedroom yet. Soon!

Today I'm thankful for volunteers. I believe I've mentioned Sydney, Lorelei, and Ford are playing basketball this season. I'm not sure yet if Ford's age group does official teams, or if they will just divide the children into teams on game days. I'll keep you posted.

Sydney and Lorelei ARE on official teams, and are (thankfully) on the same team. Their friend from down the street is also on their team (woo hoo for carpooling!), and they are the Spartans.

Sydney's and Lorelei's coaches are a husband/wife pair whose granddaughter plays on the team. They seem to be really good at explaining things to all the girls, and they are SO kind. I'm just thankful that there are people in our community who volunteer their time and talents so that my children can have a positive sports experience.

On to Friday, friends!

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