Wednesday, November 13, 2019


I was going to be thankful for some of my plants and a new canvas I bought, but for some reason my pictures aren't downloading as quickly as I think they should, so I'll be thankful for something else today.

One of the biggest joys and privileges of being a Navy family is the friends-who-are-like-family that we've met. We've acquired more than what feels like our fair share, and I'm EXTREMELY thankful.

Our next-door neighbors in California fall into this category. They also moved to the Gulf coast (Florida) this past summer and I'm delighted that we've already seen them a handful of times in just a few months.

This past weekend we spent Saturday night in Pensacola to visit them and to celebrate our friend's Navy promotion. The children played together as if they still lived next door to each other (Sydney and Lorelei even spent the night to prolong the fun).

Friends-who-are-like-family are truly a gift.

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