Friday, November 8, 2019

Dishwashers and Health

I went to bed last night feeling like I was forgetting something -- posting on the blog!

Yesterday I was thankful for (Navy) base living, because a maintenance company handles our needs (much like an apartment complex). We'd been having dishwasher problems, so they ordered us a new one and installed it yesterday. We can give the company permission to enter our homes and complete maintenance if we're away (which we do), so even better that the dishwasher was installed while the kids and I were at Walmart picking up groceries. It was like magic (the newly-installed dishwasher AND the grocery pickup, ha!).

Today I'm thankful for our general health, even though Ruthie has been sick today.
She threw up a couple of times this morning and has been on the couch sleeping pretty much all day. It's easy to feel down and frustrated when your child is sick, but it's important (for me) to remember that there are other children and families struggling with much more serious illnesses.

I hope your Friday was lovely -- I'll not be posting tomorrow (Saturday), but should be back Sunday!

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